jaRak, frekuensi komunikasi, kualitas komunikasi, frekuensi ketemu,
keSepahaman tTg apa az yg hRs + perlu diceriTain atw g, saling percaya, jaga kOmitmen, and of course prioritasin pacar dari pada yang laen'y (tmn, mantan, kecengan, whoeverLah....)
me with my long diStance relationship,,,
feel that this time is so hard to do than before,,,g tw kNp...
muNgkin karena di long distance sbLm'y smua msh kerasa mudah,msh sering ketemu,
dan faktor lingkungan meyaKinkan mira kLo dy g akn maCem2..
wHo knows lah dibelakang'y ngap,,but that time i've tRust him...
toDay,,nOw,,this tiMe,,at pResenT...
raSa cuRiga, g percaya, kHawatiR, keluHan, keMarahan gaRa2 haL kecil itu meningKat,,g tW kNp?
woman feeling Kah?? i dont know....
yg mira tw lingkungan'y beDa, mungkin perGaulan'y jg beda...
dan itu jg kaRena the different people who met him,,
a girls, a women, a boys, a men, that he called friends, best friends,
hal2 ky taDi harus dibicarain dgn jelas, byar ada agreement'y
kl terlalu kasar mgkn byar da batasan'y....
dan byar g da raSa curiga, g pErcaya, dll...dll...dlll
mungkin sms simpLe like saying good nite, have a nice dreams, sleep tight,,,
whateverlah biSa bYsa az,
tp kLo sms ky gt k maNtan pAcar, dan dY'y jd sering ngHubuNgin???
is tHat oK for me???
exactLy NO!!!
i was never called my eXs, send them a message, meet them, even when i talk bouT them, u are so jeaLous.....
sO this cAse was too much, and i mAd of It,,,,
i do loVe you, aNd i knOw and trust that u still loVe me,,
but if u said tHat this is Long distanCe Relationship probLems??
Yes it is!!!!
we mUst have a muCh taLk bOut this,, make an agreement,,
and soLve this problem!!!!
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